FULL BODY MASSAGE - Ultimate relaxation. A blend of circulatory and deep strokes that help facilitate the body’s own healing process by releasing tension and restoring the body’s natural balance. With restored flexibility, improved circulation, and harmful toxins eliminated from your body, you’ll return to your hectic schedule relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
1 HOUR - $125
FULL BODY MASSAGE (EXTENDED) – One hour not enough? Why not extend your full body massage another half hour and REALLY relax your mind, body and spirit?
1 ½ HOUR - $175
HALF BODY MASSAGE – Don’t have time for a full body massage? Treat either half of your body to a long, flowing blend of massage strokes that will relieve tired, tension-filled muscles and enhance relaxation.
½ HOUR - $75
*Techniques for all massages include various combinations of massage modalities. Specific modalities available upon request.